Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Porn at the Opera

The presence of more or less pornographic activity at the opera seems to be on the increase.
  • Giulio Cesare from Salzburg -- f**king
  • La Ciociara from San Francisco -- rape
  • Alcina from Aix -- f**king
  • Lulu from Oakland -- f**king, nudity and (what's left?) m***.  May have been a first for me.
  • William Tell from London -- rape
  • Le Nozze di Figaro from Salzburg -- f**king.  What?
The past few months it seems to be everywhere.

Now in Lulu it only seems suitable.  If you are searching for "Who is Lulu," rampant sexuality is most likely the answer.  During the West Edge Opera performance, the idea that Lulu's identity remained unknown never occurred to me.

In the other places it may possibly be a substitute for more subtle skills and ideas.  What makes war so terrible?  People die and women get raped. In La Ciociara this message was blunted when a rape was thrown in for no particular reason at the beginning of the opera.

Let's hope it isn't a trend.

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