Monday, February 04, 2013

Joyce from Brussels

Today, right now in fact, Joyce DiDonato is being streamed on radio from Brussels where she is giving a Drama Queens concert with Il Complesso barocco, directed by Alan Curtis.  So far she has sung:

Claudio MONTEVERDI - "Disprezzata regina" air d'Ottavia, impératrice de Rome extr. de L'incoronazione di poppea.
Geminiano GIACOMELLI - "Sposa, son disprezzata", air d'Irène princesse de Trésibonde extr. de Merope.

It took me a while to find it, and I missed the first number.  It was very interesting to hear her take on the Monteverdi style ornaments, particularly the repeated notes.  Very intense.

The solo violin in this Vivaldi concerto is spectacular and well received.

Giuseppe Maria ORLANDINI - "Da torbida procella", air de Berenice reine de Palestine extr. de Berenice.

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