Saturday, July 28, 2007


I have had the full Santa Fe Opera experience now. My friends drove up from Albuquerque with a picnic dinner prepared. We parked early and opened up the folding chairs for our tailgate dinner. Down the row of cars were all the other tailgaters. In the car next to ours were a couple of Santa Fe old timers: a theatrical person and an art appraiser, the perfect combination for Santa Fe. Their picnic included two kinds of wine. We loaned them matches to light their dinner candle and explored possibilities of ways I could go and live for a while in Rome. Their idea was quite plausible. I rattled on like a lunatic about John Adams' librettos. We all approved of Nixon in China.

We had Caesar salad, roast beef sandwiches and Sekt, the German version of champagne. Then, of course, there was Daphne. They were all out of t-shirts for Tea.

Walter Burke Catering will cater your tailgate party, if you wish.

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