Saturday, November 23, 2013

Swenson and Lopardo

I tried to find a picture of them together but failed.  So I am settling for side by side.  Now I can't get the text to go below the pictures.  Sigh.

Yesterday Two in Tune in Sacramento presented a joint recital called International Stars of Opera.  Both Ruth Ann Swenson and Frank Lopardo are opera singers whose careers have soared very high, Ruth Ann's arguably higher than Frank's. 

This was a very pleasant recital of war horse opera arias and duets, the sort of recital that in by-gone days, before the era of the academic recital format, was dedicated to the idea that the audience should enjoy themselves.  Though they are both not so light on their feet as they once were, they still know how to do it. 

We heard things from Donizetti, Rossini, Puccini, Verdi, Gounod and Massenet, usually exactly the things you would want to hear from these particular singers. 

It was very enjoyable.

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